Week Thirty-One
We had a busy week in Room 104. We took the CogAT every day and had our Second Grade Market to much success on Thursday. Let's find out more about our week!
Our ELA Block included new spelling lists. We took our first CogAT on Monday, to get used to the pace and feel before taking two each day after. Most students found it to be a fun challenge. Obviously, that time made our other subjects a little shorter for the week. In RUOS, we began our "Series Book Clubs" by forming reading groups and starting chapter books together. The class focused on character: ways to describe them and noticing how they respond to events and change over time. We will read a second book in our series next week. We also had Mrs. Logan visit and lead some shared reading lessons, which was nice. In WUOS, we began our "Writing About Reading" unit by creating an opinion paragraph and practicing some letter writing. In language, we reviewed adjectives and adverbs.
In our afternoon block, we finished up our Social Studies unit on economics. We finished reading the chapter, reviewed vocabulary and discussed trade. That was a great lead in to our Market Day on Thursday. We made items to sell at home as well as a fortune teller at school before holding our Market on Thursday morning. Students visited other producers and made choices about what they could buy. It was a lot of fun! We also took our unit test Thursday. In math, we continued module 7 on Problem Solving with Length, Money, and Data. We focused more on identifying and counting coins and money. We also solved word problems using money and found amounts that make up $1.00. We will do more money problem solving next week.
We also had our specials. We had a substitute in Art on Monday. We played some fun games and practiced our Spring Sing songs in Music with Ms. Altshuler. We finished stories and reviewed vocabulary in Spanish with Sra. Colmenero. We read a story and checked out books with Mr. Withers in the library. We played some new games in P.E. with Mr. Simatic. Our Book Buddies had to cancel, so we had an afternoon recess on Friday instead.
Have a great weekend!
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