Week Thirteen

We had another busy week in Room 104.  We wrapped up units in reading, writing, and math. We started a new study of the past, present, and future in Social Studies as we approach Thanksgiving Break.

Our ELA Block included new spelling lists and the beginning of our cursive unit. We learned how to write an "i," "t," "u," and "w." We will keep practicing good form and try to be as neat as possible. In RUOS, we concluded our "Becoming Experts" unit by focusing on retelling and comparing texts. We tried looking for main ideas and information that were the same in two texts, and noting their differences. We will have our summative assessment for the whole unit next week. In WUOS, we wrote another nonfiction "book," and used checklists and partners to add extra information and text features to fancy it up for publication. Lastly, we talked about apostrophes and possessive nouns in language.

In our afternoon block, we began a new unit in Social Studies on history. We learned that everything people can know about the past is called history. We talked about the past, present, and future and sorted objects that came from the past and present. We made mini-books about ourselves in the past, present, and future, and learned about artifacts and historical sources. We started a timeline project that we will finish next week. Be sure to start of your History Project at home. Projects are due December 3.  In math, we finished our module on place value. We looked at 1, 10, and 100 more and less, along with number patterns before reviewing the module and taking an assessment. We also had our math centers and workshop.

We also had some fun specials, too. We finished landscapes in Art with Ms. Sundquist. We used instruments, played a game, and worked on rhythm in Music with Ms. Altshuler. We learned about places in school in Spanish with Sra. Colmenero. We read a story and checked out books with Mr. Withers in the library. We played more hockey in P.E. with Mr. Simatic. We also made a Thanksgiving project with our Reading Buddies in Mr. Manus' class.

Finally, we had our first student "Star of the Week." We spent the week learning about Bea. She made a poster, told us her favorite things, and brought in some artifacts to share. The class enjoyed getting to learn all about her!  We also made postcards on Friday for Bea! It was a fun week!

Looking ahead, we have a very short week coming up. We have school on Monday and Tuesday before taking off for Thanksgiving Break Wednesday through Friday. Enjoy your weekend!
