Week Fourteen

We had a very short week in Room 104.  We finished up some assessments and writing before  Thanksgiving Break. Oh, and we had pajama day on Tuesday!

Our ELA Block didn't include spelling, but we did practice the letters "e" and "l" in cursive. We will try more next week. We concluded our  RUOS unit on nonfiction with some review and a final assessment covering genre, main ideas,  keywords, and comparing/contrasting text. We start a new unit on fairy tales on Monday. In WUOS, we wrote an on-demand story in a day using what we've learned about nonfiction books, and tried to include as many text features as we can. We also chose a story for publication and fancied it up to share with others.  We did not have time for language this week.

In our afternoon block, we continued our unit in Social Studies on history. We looked at examples of timelines and answered questions using a timeline. We also made our own timeline showing some important events in our lives.  We also learned what historical sources are (an item that tells about history) and some examples of historical sources (photographs, diary, oral history, artifacts). Be sure to keep working on your History Project at home! Projects are due December 3.  In math, we took a pre-test on the foundations of multiplication and division to see where we are as a class. We start next week. We also had our math centers and workshop.

We also had some specials, although we missed a few with the short week. We made pop-up art in Art with Ms. Sundquist. We worked on a round with our songs and worked on rhythm in Music with Ms. Altshuler. We talked about turkeys in Spanish with Sra. Colmenero. Unfortunately, we missed out on  library and  P.E. this week. We did see our Reading Buddies, though, and made lists of things we are thankful for. We also got to celebrate pajama day with the rest of the second grade on Tuesday. It was fun to dress comfy and bring in a stuffed animal for the day. I think our students really enjoyed it. Let's keep up our good behavior and work towards another day soon, shall we?

I hope that everyone has a happy and healthy Thanksgiving Break!  See you back in Room 104 on Monday!
