Week Twenty-Nine

We had a fun week in Room 104.  We learned about economics, worked in Reading Book Clubs, and learned how to make picture and bar graphs in math. Let's find out more about our week!

Our ELA Block included new spelling lists and some extra cursive practice. We hope to begin keyboarding as soon as the upper grades are done testing. In RUOS, we continued our "Bigger Books Means Amping Up Our Reading Power" unit. We spent more time in partner book clubs reading and discussing chapter books together. We worked on fluency, keeping track of what happened, and literary language. We also read "Andy and Tamika" and "Jigsaw Jones" books to hone these skills. In WUOS, we wrote more poetry. We tried using mentor texts to give us rhyming or structure ideas, matching that structure to feelings, and played with point of view. We hope to edit and make poetry books next week. In language, we worked more on compound words before learning what adjectives are.

In our afternoon block, Social Studies focused on economics. We read in our textbook about people at work and learned important vocabulary. We found out what the difference between wants and needs are, plus why we need to make choices when buying things. Finally, we learned about producers and consumers and discovered ways to make income. We will learn about goods and services  and how people save money next week. In math, we finished began module 7 on Problem Solving with Length, Money, and Data. We focused on sorting and making a data table, plus drawing and labeling picture graphs and bar graphs. We're doing pretty well!  We will practice a bit more before moving onto money next week.

We also had our specials. We finished up those dinosaur pictures in Art with Ms. Sundquist. We sang new songs and played some games in Music with Ms. Altshuler. We talked about butterfly migration in Spanish with Sra. Colmenero. We read a story and checked out books with Mr. Withers in the library. We had gymnastics and other fun activities in P.E. with Mr. Simatic. We also had Jessamyn's dad guest read and an all school assembly with the teacher/student basketball game and some pony riding on Friday afternoon. You can ask your child about that!

Next week is Spring Break, so please stay safe and enjoy your vacation. We will see you back in Room 104 on April 1. No fooling!
