Week Sixteen
We had a busy week in Room 104. We shared a lot of great History Projects and artifacts this week. We also continued our study of fairy tales and arrays. Finally, report cards went home on Friday!
Our ELA Block included new spelling lists and more cursive writing. Keep practicing! In RUOS, we continued our "If/Then" unit called Studying Characters and Their Stories. We focused much of the week on fairy tale characters, setting, character traits, feelings, and dialogue. In WUOS, we tried writing fractured fairy tales. We worked together to write "Goldifish and the Three Sharks" before planning out our own fractured fairy tale. We hope to finish and share some next week! Lastly, we talked about present tense verbs in language.
In our afternoon block, we continued our unit in Social Studies on history. We reviewed key concepts and vocabulary in class, and took a unit assessment on Thursday. We also spent a lot of time sharing our at home history projects. We had many wonderful family trees, oral history projects, and past, present, and future stories! Student also go a chance to share their own artifacts, which was fun. Great job everyone! In math, we continued module 6 on the foundations of multiplication and division. We spent much of our time on arrays. We created and composed arrays, counting their rows and columns. We also used these arrays and array drawings to practice repeated addition. We keep counting by 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5s to prepare to multiply, too. And of course we had our math centers and workshop.
We also had some of our cool specials, too. We learned about Mondrian in Art with Ms. Sundquist. We had a lot of fun learning new songs, and playing instruments in Music with Ms. Altshuler. We made some crazy stories about school in Spanish and searched for words using all of the letters of the alphabet with Sra. Colmenero. We read a story and checked out books in the library. We went through a cool obstacle course in P.E. with Mr. Simatic. We also met up with our Reading Buddies in Mr. Manus' class.
Finally, we had a new student "Star of the Week." We spent the week learning about Zach. He made a poster, told us his favorite things, and brought in some cool Rubik's Cubes to share. The class enjoyed getting to learn all about Zach! We also made postcards on Friday! It was a fun week!
Looking ahead, we have a school-wide Pajama + Game Day on Wednesday. Have a great weekend!
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