Week Thirty-Eight

We had a short week in Room 104.  We had Monday off for Memorial Day, two assemblies on Wednesday, and Olympic Day on Friday. We also spent some time finishing up projects as we approach the last week of school. Let's learn more about our week!

Our ELA Block did not include spelling, although we did continue to read books each day. We finished up our "Julian" series together before starting on "I Survived: The great Chicago Fire."  In WUOS, we worked in a "Countdown to Summer" writing book, crafting stories looking back on our year and  and ahead to third grade. We also got a chance to try more typing training. Some of us have really improved! On Wednesday, Penny's dad visited and led us on  Google Expedition. Students were able to virtually travel and look around in the rain forest, coral reef,  desert, and outer space. It was cool! Thank you, Mr. Wuest!

In our afternoon block, we learned more about habitats. We studied the temperate forest and desert  by reading  books, watching videos, and creating a diagram and drawing pictures. Next week we hope to have time to visit the arctic and mountain habitats. In math, we finished module 8 on time, shapes, and fractions. We looked at elapsed time and reviewed telling time, fractions, and polygons. We took our last math assessment on Thursday.

We also had our specials. We missed Art with Ms. Sundquist because of the holiday, but. we sang fun songs and played games in Music with Ms. Altshuler. We practiced speaking and playing with fortunes tellers in Spanish with Sra. Colmenero. We read a story and brought back our books in the library. We played some awesome games in P.E. with Mr. Simatic. We also went to an Earth Day assembly on Wednesday with Joey Fine Rhyme, and of course, had Olympic Day on Friday!

Olympic Day on Friday consisted of us breaking into our Bobcat Pack teams. Each team represented a different country in the world. Teams visited ten stations in the morning and ten in the afternoon. Half were inside, half were outside. Indoor activities included: a climbing wall, keeping up a giant omnikin ball, olympic circle relay, puzzles, charades, too-hip hippity hop, word find, ball toss, and bowling. Outside activities included: an obstacle course, football throw, three-legged race, base run relay, basketball relay, water balloon toss, teacher bubble gum contest, hula, hoop, and a standing long jump. Medals are awarded to the top performing teams. It' was really a fun way for the school to bond and for us to spend our last Friday together!

Next week is the last week of the year. Get some rest and we will see you back in Room 104 on Monday.  Have a  great weekend!
