A "Whale" of a Day

We started our last week of Kindergarten with a nice Monday. We began the day with Nutrition and our morning activities. Then we read a book about whales. At language arts rotations, students decorated and painted a whale with watercolors. My groups read the last "Sam and Mat" book together. The other groups had their final secret center of the year. After recess, we cut our whale art out. Then we practiced telling time to the hour and half hour on our clocks for math. Students matched digital times to analog clocks.

After lunch, we read "Fidgety Fish" and had Star of the Week. Mr. A had the class estimate gummi bears. There were 88 gummi bears. Chloe guessed it exactly!  Then we passed out homework folders (there's only a Ricker Report inside) and lined up for home.  Let's have a great last week!

Please look over the notes for the week. Every day is a 12:35 dismissal day. Tuesday is our class party. Bring a large bag (along with your backpack) on Wednesday to pack up items. And Thursday is our last day. We will pass out prizes, awards, and report cards on the last day.
