The Fifteenth Week of Second Grade
We had a good week of learning in Room 104. We started learning the foundations of multiplication in math and new fairy tale units in reading and writing. Let's learn more!
Our ELA block of learning included a list of /i/ words, using short i /cvc/, long i /cvvc/ , and using igh in the Words Their Way spelling program. During Reader's Workshop, we read fairy tales like "Cinderella," "Rapunzel," "Rumpelstiltskin," Goldilocks and the Three Bears," and more. We looked at plot, character traits, and narrators. In Writer's Workshop, we read more fairy tales and are planning on writing our own fractured fairy tale next week. We also continued cursive handwriting accessed RAZ-KIDS, SeeSaw, and Lexia on our iPads, in small groups at W.I.N. time.
In Social Studies, we learned more about history. We learned new vocabulary, talked about artifacts, and made a "Past, Present, and Future" book. Don't forget that History Projects are due on Wednesday, December 11!
In Math, we began a new module on Foundations of Multiplication and Division. We learned about equal groups, rows, columns, and arrays. We learned how to make and count arrays and make repeated addition and multiplication problems from those arrays.
We also had Music with Ms. Brown, read, wrote, learned Spanish with Sra. Colmenero, checked out new books in the library with Mr. Withers, made Matisse-inspired art with Ms. Sundquist, and ran through obstacle courses in P.E. with Mr. Simatic.
Have a great weekend! See you back in Room 104 on Monday!
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