The Ninth Week of Second Grade
We had a good week in Room 104. We started reading and writing non-fiction stories, looked more closely at place value in math, experimented with liquids in science, and held Parent-Teacher conferences. Let's learn more!
Our ELA block of learning included a list of /k/words, using the /ck/, /ke/, and /k/ endings in the Words Their Way program. We noticed the /ck/ words used a short vowel, the /ke/ had a long vowel, and the /k/ had an oddball vowel sound in them. During Reader's Workshop, we began our study of non-fiction by reading "Knights in Shining Armor" and noticing how it's written in a different way than a fiction story. We focused on noticing more about the pages, learning new information, and wondering as we read each book. We are also trying to identify the main idea of each page or chapter. In Writer's Workshop, we began our non-fiction writing by working together to structure information books chapters or topics. We all created books on solids, liquids, and gases since we are all becoming experts in science. Mirroring our narrative structure, we wrote across pages with one page on the introduction, one on solids, one on liquids, one on gases, plus a conclusion. Students tried to write as much as they knew about each topic. Our new phonics unit started this week as well. It will center on tackling challenging words. We also practiced handwriting, accessed RAZ-KIDS and Lexia on our iPads, and practiced fluency and comprehension in small groups at W.I.N. time.
In Science, we continue to study matter. We learned more about liquids this week. In addition to the writing mentioned above, we observed how liquids change in containers. First we moved liquid from one container to another, noticing how it appeared taller or shorter in the new container, depending on the width. We also observed that as you turn a container with liquid, it also always moves to the bottom and stays level with the ground. Lastly, we reviewed examples of solids, and liquids, and gases in preparation for our quiz Friday. Next week, we will investigate solids and liquids in water.
In Math, we continued Module Three on Place Value, Counting, and Comparison of Numbers to 1,000. We worked on counting up to 1,000 using the number chart to help us. We also worked on writing numbers in standard form (364), unit form (3 hundreds, 6 tens, 4 ones), and expanded form (300+60+4). Next week we look at word form, plus explore and count with money. We will use $1, $10, $100 and more. It should look familiar since we've been working on counting by ones, tens, and hundreds this whole time!
We also had our best Music day of the year with Ms. Brown, found ways to use descriptive words in Spanish with Sra. Colmenero, checked out new books in the library with Mr. Withers, and had fun playing games in P.E. with Mr. Simatic. Since it was Parent-Teacher conference week, we got to visit the Book Fair in the Commons, too. Thursday and Friday was shortened for students while parents got a chance to see me and discuss their child's progress. I felt that all of our meetings were very positive and productive. I hope that you feel the same way!
Have a great weekend! Remember that Halloween is next Thursday. Students also have Friday off for the Teachers' Institute, so be sure to study spelling words and get started on homework packets for Friday!
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