Week Twenty

We had a busy week in Room 104.  We worked a lot on our reading, writing, math and science early in the week so that we had time for our MAP testing on Thursday and Friday.

Our ELA Block included new spelling lists and more cursive writing. In RUOS, we spent our week reading non-fiction text, identifying main ideas, vocabulary, plus looking at author's purpose and  more. In WUOS, we continued our unit on writing lab reports and science books. We did an experiment to test how far a toy car would roll on a carpet and the bare floor. We named the materials, identified the question (Which surface will the car roll farther on?), came up with a hypothesis (I think the car will...), came up with a procedure,  and collected data. We will examine the results and come up with a conclusion next week.  Then we will move onto our dinosaur research and reports. We also spent Thursday and Friday morning taking the Lath and reading MAP tests.

In our afternoon block, we spent the week looking at "Pebbles, Sand, and Silt." We reviewed the layers of the Earth and learned about volcanoes. We even made a small volcano model out of clay.  We also rubbed rocks together and saw that they weather, or have pieces break and fall off them. We learned what metamorphic and igneous rocks are, and identified some of each. We will look at sedimentary rocks next week.  In math, we continued module 4 on Addition and Subtraction Within 200. We reviewed strategies to add and then used manipulative and the vertical startegy to help. We used real disks and drawings to bundle tens and help our adding. We will continue with more 2 and 3-digit addition next week. Finally, we continued our math centers and workshop.

We also had our specials. We continued Matisse pictures in Art with Ms. Sundquist.  We had a lot of fun singing and playing games in Music with Ms. Altshuler. We learned about our community in Spanish with Sra. Colmenero. We read a story and checked out books with Mr. Withers in the library. We played some new games in P.E. with Mr. Simatic.

We do not have school on Monday in observation of the Dr. King holiday, so  have a great three-day weekend!
