Week Four

We had a nice fourth week of second grade in Room 104. We took MAP tests in math and reading, announced our first field trip, used the iPads for the first time, and earned a bunch of PAW PASSES for positive behavior!

Our ELA block included taking those MAP Tests. After the initial anxiety and newness, we settled in and tried our best. We will share those results later at conferences, but our focus will be on growth for all students. Seeing improvement at the end of the year is key! We had our first week of spelling with Words Their Way (WTW), culminating with Friday's tests on the iPad. A copy of your child's results are in their home folder. In RUOS, we read more chapters of "Mercy Watson to the Rescue" and focused on marking our thinking with a post-it. We also rolled up our sleeves to read tricky words, and used more than one strategy as we read. In WUOS, we worked on revising our writing, rereading sentences like a detective to find areas to improve, and worked hard to write for a set amount of time.

In our afternoon block, we finished up Module One in math on sums and differences to 100. We will begin Module Two on addition and subtraction of length units next. In Social Studies, we looked at maps and mapping communities. We read maps and identified north, south, east, and west. We also made classroom map complete with a compass rose, key, and scale. We announced our first field trip to the Oak Park River Forest Museum where will see some old maps of our community. Lastly, we drew and used crayons and watercolors to make a picture of our neighborhood.

We also made art inspired by "American Gothic" with Ms. Sundquist, learned about the monarch butterflies trip to Mexico with Sra. Colmenero in Spanish, played some fun games in P.E. with Mr. Simatic, and read a story and checked out books with Mr. Withers in the library. Friday included a hearing test and a tornado drill, too, so we got a lot done this week!

I think that we had a productive week. We continue to learn and grow together. Have a wonderful weekend!
